Russia Travel Visa

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Russia Travel Visa

How to get a Russian Travel Visa

Russian travel visas are required for all U.S. Citizens and may be required for many foreign nationals prior to leaving the United States. can guide you through the Russian visa application process and help you obtain your Russian travel visa in time for your trip!

Helpful Information

In-Person Appearance Required

Applicant should appear in-person at the consulate to apply for a visa. They should visit the consulate's website to obtain more information on visa requirements.

A valid passport is required for travel

  • Your passport must be in good condition.
  • It cannot be expiring 6 months beyond your intended stay in the country.
  • You are required to have at least two blank visa pages left in your passport (The last two pages in your passport are not visa pages, and do not count).

Traveling to Russia (Important Information)

U.S. citizens need to obey all Russian visa and immigration laws, which are strictly enforced. Russian authorities may deny entry or re-entry into Russia for 5 years or more and cancel the visas of foreigners who have committed two “administrative” violations within the past three years. Activities that are not specifically covered by the traveler’s visa may result in an administrative violation and deportation. Be sure to visit the U.S. State Department website for the latest travel advisories related to Russia. And it’s always important when traveling abroad to understand the health and vaccination protocols outlined by the Centers for Disease Control.

Travel tips:
Taking photos of certain buildings in Russia can land you in hot water. Be very careful about photographing stations, official-looking buildings and any type of military/security structure. Travelers have been arrested and fined for innocent photo-taking. Understand that the police can stop you at any time and ask to see your passport. Carry a photocopy of your passport, visa and, registration, and present them when an officer demands to see your documents. Tipping is increasingly expected at restaurants. Tips should be between 10 and 15%. Russia has 9 time zones.

Travel Notice (Russia)

Last Update:

FIFA World Cup 2018 visa information

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, entry (exit) of foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving in Russia as spectators for sports events within the framework of the FIFA 2018 World Cup (will be held from June 14 to July 15, 2018 in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saransk, Volgograd), is carried out without issued Russian visas.

US Embassies in Russia

  • +7 (495) 728-5000
  • +7 (812) 331-2600
  • (+7) 4232 300 070

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